Dalacin Cream

Dalacin vaginal cream (clindamycin 2%) used to treat bacterial vaginosis in women, available to buy online from Dr Fox.

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Buy Dalacin cream online in UK

How to order Dalacin 2% vaginal cream online for UK delivery:

  1. Read medical information about bacterial vaginosis
  2. Answer medical questions to check for eligibility
  3. Reviewed by doctors - posted from UK pharmacy (tracked 24hr service)


Medicine name Quantity Cost
Dalacin 2% cream (clindamycin) 1 x 40gm £17.90

Price match guarantee
Prescription issued online - small prescription fee per order.

Compare prices: Dr Fox prices are 25%-50% lower cost than other online clinics.

Prescription fees

Dr Fox supplies medicine on prescription and charges a small prescription fee based on the order value of each prescription.

Prescriptions are issued by our doctors online and sent electronically to our pharmacy.

Order value Prescription fee
up to £10 £1.00
up to £20 £2.00
up to £40 £3.00
over £40 £4.00

If you have your own private paper prescription please post to our pharmacy (details).

Dr Fox prices are 25%–50% lower than other UK online clinics.

Comparative costs of Dalacin cream from UK online clinics (22 May 2023) - qualifying notes
*Dr Fox adds a small prescription fee not included in table above.
  1. The prices shown are listed by the online clinics named after a customer first enters consultation information and is offered prescriptions. It is possible these clinics may have special offers or lower prices for repeat supplies.
  2. Prices may change and are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate on the date stated. All products in stock and new condition.
  3. Dr Fox does NOT claim to provide a superior service to any of the online clinics listed. All the clinics listed, as far as we can tell, comply with all regulation and, as far as we can tell, operate to high ethical standards.
  4. Dr Fox adds a small prescription fee not included in the table (between £1 and £4 depending on value of the order).
  5. To amend the information in this table please contact us
  6. The prices listed in the table do not identify the cost of prescription medicine as online clinics charge a single fee to cover services which includes advice, consultations, prescriptions and dispensing and supply of treatments.
  7. Where services include free delivery this is using the slowest delivery option available. Dr Fox uses Royal Mail Tracked 24.
Items Dr Fox Simple Online Pharmacy Superdrug The Independent Pharmacy ASDA Online Doctor Oxford Online Pharmacy
Dalacin 2% cream £17.90 £19.50 £30.00 £21.99 £28.00 £19.99
UK delivery £2.90 £3.20 Free £4.45 Free £4.99

Delivery charges

UK delivery only: £2.90 per consultation via Royal Mail Tracked 24 Signed For (1-3 working days with tracking).

Parcel forwarding services are not permitted. Use only UK home or work delivery address.

Returns and refunds - unwanted items can be returned within 14 working days for a full refund.

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About Dalacin cream

  • Dalacin cream is a prescription-only antibiotic (clindamycin 2%) to treat bacterial vaginosis in women.
  • Insert 5gm cream into the vagina using applicator once nightly for 7 days.
  • Dalacin cream has a cure rate of 70%-80%.
  • Read the patient leaflet for a full list of side effects, cautions, and interactions with other drugs.

What is Dalacin cream?

Dalacin cream is clindamycin 2% used vaginally for 7 days to treat bacterial vaginosis (BV). Clindamycin is an antibiotic which kills anaerobic (not needing oxygen) bacteria like those causing BV. In BV, anaerobic bacteria take over in the vagina, disrupting the usual bacterial balance. Killing the anaerobic bacteria allows lactobacilli to flourish again which restores the natural balance.

Using Dalacin cream

Dalacin cream is inserted into the vagina using the disposable applicator provided, at bedtime for 7 days. A 3-day course may be effective, but the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) recommend a full 7-day course.

Vaginal cream/gel insert diagram

To use the applicator:

  • Wash your hands before and after using Dalacin cream.
  • Remove the cap from the tube of Dalacin cream.
  • Screw a new applicator onto the tube.
  • Gently squeeze the tube at the bottom to fill the applicator with Dalacin cream. The applicator is full (5gm dose) when the plunger no longer moves.
  • Unscrew the applicator, and replace the tube cap.
  • Holding the applicator barrel, gently insert the applicator into the vagina towards the lower back, as far as it goes without discomfort.
  • Holding the applicator barrel steady, push the plunger in completely to release the cream at the top of the vagina.
  • Remove the applicator and dispose of it wrapped in tissue, in a bin. Do not throw it in a toilet.
  • Use a new applicator each night.
  • Use only once daily and complete the 7-day course.

Dalacin cream has a cure rate of 70%-80%, but in some women BV can be a recurrent condition requiring multiple courses of treatment.

Cautions when using Dalacin cream

  • Do not use if there is a known allergy to clindamycin or lincomycin.
  • Do not use if there is a history of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) or antibiotic colitis.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse during BV infection and treatment.
  • Latex condoms and diaphragms may be weakened by Dalacin cream and should not be relied on for contraception until 5 days after last use of Dalacin cream.
  • Possible allergy or skin reaction to other ingredients. See patient leaflet for more details.
  • It is better not to use Dalacin cream during the monthly period (menses).
  • Do not use other vaginal products (tampons, creams, etc) during treatment with Dalacin cream.

Dalacin and pregnancy

There is no data about the safety of Dalacin in the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks) and manufacturers recommend only using it in the second and third trimesters (after 13 weeks).

Dr Fox does not prescribe for pregnant women. Please consult your GP or midwife.

Dalacin and breastfeeding

Very little clindamycin from Dalacin vaginal cream is expected to get into breast milk but clinical trials have not actually been done. Clindamycin in tablets may potentially cause gut problems in the breastfed baby, so the manufacturers advise caution, even if using the cream.

Dr Fox does not prescribe for breastfeeding women. Please consult your GP.

Possible side effects

As with all medication, some people, but not everyone, may experience side effects.

Stop using Dalacin cream and consult a doctor if you develop severe, persistent or bloody diarrhoea which may be a sign of the uncommon but serious pseudomembranous colitis.

Other side effects which have been reported include: vaginal thrush (candida), urinary tract infection, altered sense of taste, stomach pain, diarrhoea.

Blood liver test results may be affected - advise your doctor that you are using Dalacin cream.


Very little Dalacin cream is absorbed into the body, but it may interact with the antibiotic erythromycin, and anticoagulants (blood thinners) like warfarin which require regular blood test monitoring.

If you are having an operation tell your doctor that you are using Dalacin, as there is a possibility of it reacting with the anaesthetic.

Alternative treatments for bacterial vaginosis

There are several alternative prescription treatments for BV. Always use medication according to the regime actually prescribed for you.

Metronidazole tablets

  • 400mg tablets twice a day for 5-7 days.
  • 500mg tablets twice a day for 5-7 days.
  • One dose of 2 grams (5 x 400mg tablets or 4 x 500mg tablets) all at once.

Clindamycin tablets

  • 300mg tablets twice a day for 7 days.
  • Usually reserved for pregnancy.

Zidoval gel

Every night for 5 nights.

Other measures to relieve symptoms and reduce risk of getting bacterial vaginosis

  • Take a shower instead of a bath.
  • Use only water and a plain soap or aqueous cream to wash genital area.
  • Do not use vaginal douching, vaginal washes, or vaginal deodorants.
  • Do not use antiseptic, perfumed soap, bubble baths, shampoo, or shower gel in the bath.
  • Do not use strong detergent to wash underwear.
  • Do not smoke.

Patient Information Leaflet

Illustration of patient leaflet from medicine packet

The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) is the leaflet included in the pack with a medicine and must be read before taking the medicine. It is written for patients and gives information about taking or using a medicine.

Dalacin Cream 2% patient leaflet

Dalacin cream FAQs

Should I use Dalacin cream for 3 days or 7 days?

Some studies have shown that a shorter course of 3 days can be effective. However, the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH), National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), and the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) all still recommend a 7-day course.

Is Dalacin cream the same as Dalacin T?

No. They both contain the same active ingredient which is the antibiotic clindamycin. However, Dalacin cream is specially formulated to be used vaginally and Dalacin T is an alcohol containing lotion to use on acne. Another Dalacin product, Dalacin C, is a capsule or injection of clindamycin.

Bacterial vaginosis FAQs.

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Dr Amanda Wood

Authored 22 May 2023 by Dr A. Wood
MB ChB Manchester University 1984. Former NHS GP in Bristol. GMC no. 2855422

Reviewed by Dr C. Pugh, Dr B. Babor
Last reviewed 22 May 2023
Last updated 28 August 2024


The order process

Choose medication, register, and pay

Dr Fox issues prescription online

Pharmacy team post medication direct